Grants, applications

The ability of the Foundation to award grants naturally depends on the general economy, fluctuations in currency exchange rates and the stock market, etc. The annual funding awarded has ranged roughly between 5 to 20 million SEK.

Grant applications are to be submitted no later than 1 March each year to The Richard C Malmsten Memorial Foundation, c/o Manneimer Swartling Advokatbyrå AB , Box 2235, 403 14  Gothenburg, Sweden.

Questions about the application process  may be emailed to

Only a very small number of individual applicants will be awarded grants, as the Foundation now focuses on improving the School of Business, Economics and Law as a whole in consultation with the administration.

Grants awarded in 2023 T SEK

Scholarships for overseas students at the School of Business, Economics and Law Master's program for partial coverage of the tuition fee


Richard C. Malmsten Young International Scholar Program


Development of program courses at undergraduate level


Preparations for 100th anniversary celebrations

OTAL 4,400